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On and Off Campus Resources

The LGBTQ Pride Center maintains a wide list of resources both on and off campus for student success.

On Campus Resources

NC State University provides a wide range of on-campus resources to help students be successful. From health and wellness services to involvement and leadership initiatives, the University aims to provide students with any support services or development opportunities they might need. Check out the information below for a brief overview of some of the resources available on campus.


The African American Cultural Center (AACC) promotes awareness of and appreciation for African American and other African descent experiences through activities and events that enhance academic excellence and strengthen cultural competence for the campus and surrounding communities. The AACC stays actively engaged in the academic life of NC State with programs, resources and services that facilitate the cultural, intellectual and social growth of the entire university community.

The Department of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) researches, designs and implements unique programs that promote the pursuit of academic success, retention and graduation of students, with an emphasis on African American, Native American, and Hispanic students.

The NC State Women’s Center is a catalyst and resource that advances gender fairness and social justice through education, advocacy, and leadership for the campus community. The Women’s Center facilitates efforts to ensure opportunity and increase awareness by providing and supporting programs, services, and research opportunities that focus on gender-related issues.

NC State University is home to more than 600 student organizations. Students can connect with each other through shared interests in academics, advocacy, club sports, arts, media, recreation, religion, politics and many other topics. Visit the Get Involved website to find the organizations that are right for you!


The Counseling Center provides confidential services for both individuals and groups. The staff of the Counseling Center facilitate a weekly LGBTQQ Counseling Group and a weekly Transcending and Connecting Counseling Group. For more information about resources and services, visit their website here. For a full list of current counseling groups, click here.

The PRIDE Counseling Group provides a safe, confidential space to talk about any of life’s issues, worries, or woes such as academic pressure, roommate strife or relationship concerns. In addition, topics specific to the LGBTQ+ community will be encouraged: coming out, finding a partner, balancing the LGBTQ+ part of yourself, dating, image, spirituality, etc. Students interested in joining the group should contact the Counseling Center to schedule a brief screening appointment prior to joining the group.

Transcending and Connecting is a weekly counseling group held at the NC State Counseling Center. The purpose is to create a shared space for students on the trans* spectrum and students questioning their gender to connect, explore, and learn with other students of trans* experience. It is a space for the group members to give and receive support. The focus is on connecting with others, exploring identities, and navigating life in a safe space. Students interested in joining the group should contact the Counseling Center to schedule a brief screening appointment prior to joining the group.

Health and Wellness

Student Health Services is the primary medical service provider for enrolled NC State students. In-house services include laboratory and x-ray, travel clinic, physical therapy, women’s health, occupational medicine, and allergy shots. Also, students may visit the on-site pharmacy to fulfill their prescription drug needs and over-the-counter requests. For more information about their services, check out their website.

The program works closely with campus resources to provide early intervention for students who may be struggling personally or whose behavior has led others to be concerned for their well-being.  Case managers meet with students and provide access to resources while following up with them and monitoring their progress. For information about the CARES team or to refer someone to CARES, please click here.

NC State Prevention Services provides case management, education and outreach emphasizing developmental, and non-judgmental perspectives for student prevention efforts. Through the lenses of behavioral health, wellness, and sustainability, our professionals cross-collaborate with the campus community to enhance individual and collective well-being, as well as assisting students to gain the necessary resources to remain successful academically and emotionally at NC State. For information about Prevention Services, please click here.

Feed the Pack is a community-based initiative sustained by the greater NCSU community to combat the food insecurity experienced by members of the Wolf Pack family. Students can stop by the food pantry (located on main campus at Honors and Scholars Commons 2221 Dunn Avenue. The Pantry can be accessed through the main doors off of Dunn Avenue to stock up on supplies. For information about service hours, please click here.

Students experiencing food, housing or financial insecurity can submit this application in order to see which programs and services (Student Emergency Fund, PACK Meal Share, PACK Meal Scholarships, etc.) you may qualify for to assist you as you continue to work towards attaining your degree.
For more information, please click here.

NC State Wellness and Recreation empowers the Wolfpack community to thrive. Together, we explore and grow in these six elements of wellness: purpose, financial, physical, emotional, social and community. The facilities have single-occupancy restroom/shower combinations. A strong partner of the GLBT Center is ThriveWell, which educates and empowers the Wolfpack community to establish and maintain healthy behaviors. The program includes student wellness initiatives, Wood Wellness Village living and learning community, lifestyle modification programs, wellness education sessions, and special events. Visit the Wellness and Recreation website for more information.


The GLBT Center partners with Student Leadership and Engagement to provide an Alternative Service Break (ASB) experience to San Francisco. The trip title is “Intersectionality and Social Justice,” and the purpose of this trip is to give students the opportunity to observe, process, and strategize about intersecting social justice issues (homelessness, inadequate mental and physical healthcare, interpersonal and community violence, the school-to-prison pipeline, food deserts, and targeted discrimination and harassment, among others). Trip participants will learn about how social justice issues impact multiple communities, what it’s like for individuals to navigate multiple marginalized identities, and how “systems of oppression” (racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, classism, transphobia, etc.) can pile on top of one another. In addition to providing support, trip participants will be asked to critically reflect on the impact of these issues, both at a community level and at an individual level. For more information about this ASB trip, visit the Student Leadership and Engagement website.

Student Leadership and Engagement at NC State offers a Leadership Development Series (LDS) featuring interactive workshops and seminars. The LDP workshops provide the resources necessary to develop personal integrity, organizational understanding, communication skills, and an ethic of service. For information about workshop topics and times, visit their website.

Student Government was founded in 1921 as a student-run organization that serves as the official voice of the student body. We attempt to better the student experience at NC State by functioning as a governing body and advocacy group. Involved in policy-making, adjudication, programming, lobbying, community services, and countless other activities, we work alongside administrators to address student concerns. One key partner within the Executive Branch is the Student Government Equity and Accessibility Department, a dedicated group of students who advocate for underrepresented students on campus. We support Trans-Inclusive and Mental Health syllabi clauses, and are advocating for varied online competency training for incoming students, and are working towards making campus more accessible. Visit their website for more information.

University Activities Board is a student-led organization that plans both original and traditional events to attract students from all backgrounds. Comprised of five distinct committees, the University Activities Board puts on programs with endless and ever-changing topics. We strive to enhance the student experience by providing fun, or even informative, campus programs to give students a break from academics. Check out the Black Students Board, Concerts Committee, W.O.L.F. Committee (wellness, outreach, leisure, and films), P.A.C.K. Committee (perspectives, advocacy, community, and knowledge), or the Special Events Committee.  Visit their website for more information.


NC State University’s Equal Opportunity and Non-discrimination Policy provides protections for GLBT students, staff and faculty. The policy specifies that “NC State University promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon one’s age, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status.” To view the full text of this policy, as well as the Student Code of Conduct (which prohibits harassment), please visit NCSU policies.

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO), provides preventative education to promote a campus free from discrimination and harassment. OEO also provides support services for students, staff and faculty who have experienced discrimination or harassment and oversees the University’s investigation and response. For information about the reporting process and the resources available through OEO, please visit Safe at NC State.

Impact Response at NC State provides support to people affected by incidents that impact individuals, groups and overall campus community climate. NC State has many existing policies and processes for reporting acts of discrimination, harassment, concern or violence, and our team does not replace or overrule those. We may, however, refer reported incidents to other appropriate university offices and personnel as needed. Impact Response is coordinated by the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) and is comprised of professionals from across campus who work to support anyone impacted by bias. An interdisciplinary, interdepartmental team of staff serve as the OEO Impact Response review team. In collaboration with Campus Community Centers, the Division of Academic and Student Affairs (DASA), and other campus partners, Impact Response advocates support individuals and respond to the institutional impacts of incidents. Check out the Bias Impact Response website for more information.

The NC State Women’s Center has trained advocates who support survivors of interpersonal violence (relationship violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc.) in understanding their options and navigating healing and recovery. The NC State Women’s Center serves ALL NC State students and we welcome students of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations. Services include accompaniment to court, student conduct hearings, law enforcement agencies, and medical services; crisis intervention and emotional support;  academic and housing accommodations; resource navigation and referrals; financial support; reporting options; and safety planning. Students can access services by calling the 24/7 Sexual Assault Helpline at 919.515.4444, or by emailing to request an appointment. Please note that advocates are responsible employees and have an obligation to report all disclosures of interpersonal violence to NC State University. After a report is made, the university’s Title IX coordinator will reach out with an email offering resources and a chance to meet, which you have the right to accept or decline.

The campus police department is proactive about ensuring that all officers participate in the GLBT Center’s Project SAFE Ally Training and are able to provide supportive and culturally competent services to the students at NC State. In addition to responding to reports and investigating on-campus harassment, the department also provides safety escort services for students. For more information about their services, please click here.

Off Campus Resources

In addition to the many on-campus resources available through NC State, students can also take advantage of LGBTQ-specific resources, available both locally and throughout North Carolina. To learn about the LGBTQ advocacy organizations that provide resources for students and some of the off-campus medical services, check out the information below.


SONG is a home for LGBTQ liberation across all lines of race, class, abilities, age, culture, gender, and sexuality in the South. They build, sustain, and connect a southern regional base of LGBTQ people in order to transform the region through strategic projects and campaigns developed in response to the current conditions in our communities. For more information about their work, check out their website.

Equality NC is dedicated to securing equal rights and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) North Carolinians. To accomplish these goals, they lobby the North Carolina General Assembly, executive branch, and local governments; broadcast LGBT news, stories and content; and mobilize the community on issues that matter most, including marriage equality, parental rights, anti-bullying policies, employment discrimination, hate violence, privacy rights, sexuality education, adoption, domestic partnerships, and HIV/AIDS. For more information about Equality NC, check out their website.

The ACLU of North Carolina (ACLU-NC) is the North Carolina state affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. The North Carolina affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. The North Carolina affiliate of the ACLU was founded in 1965, is based in Raleigh, and has grown to approximately 10,000 members and supporters statewide. Their mission is to preserve and defend the guarantees of individual liberty found in the North Carolina Constitution and the US Constitution, with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, equal protection under law for all people, the right to privacy, the right to due process of law, and the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. For more information about their resources and services, check out their website.

Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. For more information about the services they offer, please click here.

The NCLR is a non-profit, public interest law firm which litigates precedent setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for public policies affecting the LGBT community; provides free legal assistance to LGBT people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBT legal issues. They serve more than 5,000 LGBT people and their families in all 50 states each year, including LGBT seniors, immigrants, athletes, and youth. For more information about NCLR, visit their website.


We are fortunate to have a community center in downtown Raleigh at 19 W Hargett St UNIT 507. The LGBT Center of Raleigh‘s mission is to serve, empower, and advocate for the well-being of our LGBTQ+ communities. The Center envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are thriving, equal, and valued members of society. Stay connected with the LGBT Center of Raleigh to know what is going on in the local community.

We are fortunate to have a community center in Durham at 114 Hunt Street. The LGBT Center of Durham is a safe community committed to supporting and celebrating LGBT and Queer identified people in and around Durham. For more information, visit the LGBT Center of Durham website.


Planned Parenthood provides a wide range of medical services, including general health care, HIV/STD testing and treatment, birth control, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, abortion referrals, and LGBT services (which includes hormonal treatments for transgender clients). For more information about their services, please click here.

InterAct is a private, non-profit, United Way agency that provides safety, support, and awareness to victims and survivors of domestic violence and rape/sexual assault. For more information about their resources and services, visit their website.

Alliance of AIDS Services – Carolina has been leading the charge to improve the health of communities impacted by HIV/AIDS through compassionate and non-judgmental preventioncare, and supportive services throughout the Triangle Region of North Carolina. The organization also offers bilingual support and support for international/non-citizens. To learn more see the AIDS Alliance website.

Sexual Violence Hotlines

Sexual assault and domestic violence affects everyone but resources for LGBTQ people are often limited. The Human Rights Campaign has a page of resources available and additional resources are listed below.

The New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy. They offer a 24-hour hotline and bilingual services at 212-714-1124.

Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project provides crisis intervention, support and resources for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. They offer a variety of resources including a 24-hour emergency hotline, legal advocacy, crisis intervention, and more. For more information, call 800-832-1901 or email them at

The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, BDSM, polyamorous, and queer communities. The Network/La Red offers services in both English and Spanish at 617-742-4911.

The Northwest Network of bisexual, trans, lesbian, and gay survivors of abuse works to end violence and abuse by building loving relationships in our community and across the country. Their hours are from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, PST and they can be reached at 206-568-7777.

Miscellaneous Documents

LGBTQIA+ Dictionary

The LGBTQIA+ Dictionary is created, maintained, and edited by the staff at the University of Connecticut Rainbow Center. This dictionary is meant to serve as a tool to learn more about language that is commonly used in the LGBTQIA+ community. Inclusion of a term in this dictionary is not an affirmation of that term by the RC – we are compiling terms that may fall in and out of practice and favor over time.

Best Practices for Gender Inclusion in Research

Penn State has several educational initiatives on the cutting edge of campus educational measures regarding gender and sexually diverse individuals. The Best Practices for Gender Inclusion in Research document illustrates why expanding measures and taking a broad, multi-pronged approach will have positive repercussions for teaching and student success.