LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Network
Support for faculty and staff on campus
Part of the mission of the LGBTQ Pride Center is to provide ongoing support for LGBTQ faculty and staff on campus. To fulfill that mission, the LGBTQ Center coordinates the LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Network in order to provide an opportunity for LGBTQ faculty and staff to connect and form community, to supply informal and formal feedback about campus climate, to support and mentor LGBTQ students, and to connect with prospective LGBTQ faculty and staff members.
The Network a few times during the academic year. Check our calendar for upcoming events. If you would like to join the Network, please contact Pride Center staff.
If you are a prospective LGBTQ faculty or staff member and you would like to know more about NC State, being out on campus, the local community, or anything else, please feel free to email LGBTQ Center staff, with questions. Also, if you would like to connect informally with LGBTQ faculty and staff during your campus interview, please feel free to contact the LGBTQ Center to schedule a meet-and-greet.
Part of our goal is to increase the visibility of LGBTQ faculty and staff. There are LGBTQ faculty and staff all over campus. Please check back soon for the full list of resources on campus.